We have 30 months to make new worlds, according to the latest IPCC reports.
Let's start living them, together.
Grow our own food
... in a jar! Add seeds. Add water. Rinse twice daily. Enjoy sprouts.
The easiest, cheapest, most nutritious food you can get.
No soil, pots, or gardening required!
Bikes and Mobility
Forget your car. Forget the stress. (Forget gas stations!)
Ride, hop, bus, jump, move your way around.
Sun Power and Circadian Rhythms
A solar panel for work-at-home — all you need.
Turn down the thermostat, put on pajamas.
And rediscover darkness as the sun falls and life goes quiet.
We're organizing ourselves, to start living the change together.
Starting with change like this. Easy. Accessible. Together. Today.
Are you ready?
(This isn't signing up for a mailing list. This is joining a cooperative movement. Already joined?)